Sleep Patterns During Sadhana : Do’s and Don’ts
While books blabber a lot of idiotic stuff, and all sadhaka gurus talk about things that deter people from sadhana, there is actually a gradual progression of changes in sleep patterns of the sadhaka. Debunking Misconceptions : Getting up in brahm muhurta is absolutely not important. As your sadhana will progress, you will automatically find […]
Food During Sadhana
Mere upasakas need not follow the yama, niyama explained here, this is for Brahmin Sadhakas. While doing sadhana, everything is about negating Maya. When you try to make contact with the Gods, it is not sufficient that you simply believe in their existence, but you have to show it as well, very physically. Therefore, there […]
Understanding Sadhana, Upasana
Sadhana and upasana is different from usual concept of Pooja, as is practiced by an uninitiated household. First step of any sadhana or upasana, is getting a guru diksha. Every Hindu dwija, must always get a guru diksha. A Hindu dwija, without guru diksha is a pashu, nothing more, irrespective of what he thinks of […]
Shrotriya Brahmin Kula who are authorised to copy Sadhanas from Ek Sattva tradition
Ek Sattva tradition is a tradition of Shrotriya Brahmins. A Jeeva born in certain Brahmin Kula only is authorised by cosmos to copy our worship methods to do Sadhana. Upasana using same method can be done by all jeevas. Depending on spiritual status of the jeeva, purely determined by their birth, jeevas will get different […]
Non-Brahmin borns should not do Sadhana, and opt for Upasana instead for their Kalyan
While we have provided full procedure of sadhana on this website, it is only for usage by Male jeevas, born from Brahmin father and brahmin mother, in a Shrotriya Brahmin Kula. Jeeva who are not brahmin born, if they do sadhana, they will in 100% cases, enter Pishacha loka. All jeevas since the beginning of […]
Sadhana vs Upasana – Must read
Sadhana – This is a procedure where in Sadhana should be done only and ONLY by a Male jeeva who is Brahmin born i.e. born from a brahmin father. Jeeva who are not brahmin born, if they do sadhana, they will, in 100% cases, enter Pishacha loka. All jeevas since the beginning of time, who […]
Taking Anonymous Guru Diksha
It is possible to take guru diksha from your guru, without guru knowing you at all, while it is not desirable, but can certainly be done. You can connect yourself with the energy of any brahmin guru, simply by surrendering to him, that is how cosmos is designed. It is not just possible, but almost […]
Why Guru is Important for your Sadhana?
Whether you are doing a basic sadhana, or doing a mere upasana, guru is very important to witness any success in your sadhana. While it is true, that any mantra jaap done is never going to go waste, but if you want to get any physical experience, which is very important simply to continue the […]
We are the illusion, what we call Ghosts are the real beings.
We are the illusion, what we call Ghosts are the real beings.
Moksha / Salvation for non Hindus only by taking a Hindu Brahmin as Guru
Non-Hindus can enter Moksha cycle by taking a Hindu brahmin as their Guru, and changing their prayer methods to that of a Hindu. In such case, no Varna or jati needs to be assigned unless the person’s ancestors Varna jati is known. By extension, all non-Hindus i.e. Mlechchhas are Chandrawanshi Kshatriyas.