Ek Sattva Ashram | Shri Siddharaj Sarkar Dham | Nagpur

Volunteering Opportunities

Submit yourself to service of Gods. Spread the Message of One God, Ek Sattva in your neighborhood 

It doesn’t matter what name you call HIM, it doesn’t matter in which form you worship HIM, God is ONE! Ek Satya, Ek Sattva!

movement is run by Mahaguru Kritakritacharya Ji Maharaj Foundation

You can join as volunteer of Ek Sattva in various wings depending on how you can contribute. Ek Sattva has religious, environmental and political wings doing various things for benefit of all beings.

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or explore various section of portal to join Ek Sattva.


You can volunteer by organizing Ek Sattva Education programs in your locality or by connecting your local politicians of all political parties with the Ek Sattva Mission – so they can work for well being of all citizens alike. 

and 1000s of other willing volunteers who make Ek Sattva movement possible. 

Interested in Volunteering

Contact Dham