Vaishnava Dakshina Marg Sadhanas by Ek Sattva

Yagya Guidance

Yagya procedure done during Upasana by Vedic Brahmins, and of Ek Sattva Sampradaya is different. 

Ek Sattva Sampradaya combines Vedic and Tantrik Sampradayas. 

In Ek Sattva Sampradaya, we only count number of Ahutis given to our Ishta, nothing else matters. 

Being a sadhaka of Ek Sattva Guru Tradition, following brahminical ways of doing yagya is important. 

You should be knowing few things about your Kula before you can have right to do yagya following procedure given here 

  1. Shikha direction – you must know Shikha direction of your kula, it will either Vaam or Dakshina
  2. Paad – you should know which foot your Kula is assigned to put first while entering yagyashala.

If you do not know these two things, then your yagya fala becomes almost negligible. 

Jeeva who are not born from a Brahmin father should not follow the Yagya vidhaan given here, as this is the absolute vidhan to invite Gods. Anger of Gods can be life threatening, and Hindu Gods do not like anyone doing atikraman of adhikaar.

 Ek Sattva Guru tradition does not have the required authority from Gods to offer Sadhana to non brahmins and hence guru gaddi cannot protect such jeevas if something goes wrong. 

Upasana by non-brahmins can be by following similar procedure after taking anumati from their Guru who is a brahmin born or they can give daan to their Guru and ask him to follow this procedure after taking appropriate Sankalpa. . 

हवन विधान

आसन शुद्धि 

अपने आसन के एक कोने से हाथ लगाकर निम्न मंत्र का जाप करें 

विनियोग :
ॐ पृथ्वीति मंत्रस्य मेरुपृष्ठ ऋषिः कूर्मो देवता सुतलं छन्दः आसने विनियोगः |
ॐ पृथ्वी , त्वया धृता लोका देवि , त्वं विष्णुना धृता |

त्वां च धारय मां देवि, पवित्रं कुरु चासनं ||

ॐ पृथिव्ये नमः 

ॐ गरुणेभ्यो नमः 

ॐ अनंताय नमः 

भैरव पूजन

किसी भी साधना विधान से पूर्व बाबा भैरव नाथ की अनुमति लेना अति आवश्यक है 

ॐ तीक्ष्णदंष्ट्र महाकाय कल्पान्तदहनोपम |
भैरवाय नमस्तुभ्यं अनुज्ञां दातुमर्हसि ||


भैरव बाबा से प्रार्थना करते हुए सिर पर चारों ओर चुटकी बजायें 

अपसर्पन्तु ते भूता ये भूता भूमिसंस्थिताः |
ये भूता विघ्नकर्तारः ते नश्यन्तु शिवाज्ञया ||

ॐ भूर्भुवः स्वरों सर्व दिकबंधनम कुर्यात


शरीर रक्षा

जैसे ही आप यज्ञ आरंभ करेंगे, तुरंत निष्ट शक्तियां आपके यज्ञ का फल प्राप्त करने और आपके शरीर को हानि पहुंचाने आएंगे, उनसे रक्षा के लिए निम्न मंत्र को पहले एक लाख जप करके सिद्ध करें, फिर उपयोग करें 

ॐ भ्रीं दुर्गे दुर्गे रक्षिणी स्वाहा,

3 बार मारकर शरीर पर फूंके

यह नारायणी दुर्गा का मंत्र है, और सभी शक्तियां केवल आपके बुलाए शक्ति के अतिरिक्त से आपकी  रक्षा करेगी 

चंडी दिकबन्धन

शमशान की शक्तियों से स्वयं की रक्षा के लिए चंडी दिकबंधन भी करें 

ॐ बज्र महाचंडी बंध बंध दश दिशो निरूढय

सभी प्रकार की अन्य प्राकृतिक शक्तियों को जो आपके आस पास अतृप्त अवस्था में रहती हैं, वह सब भैरव बाबा के अधीन होती हैं, इसलिए भैरव बाबा से उनकी तृप्ति की प्रार्थना की जाती है, जिससे यह शक्तियां केवल आपके यज्ञ के समापन के बाद जो यज्ञ कुंड के बाहर सामग्री रहेगी, उसे ही प्राप्त करेंगी, आपके ईष्ट को दिए हुए यज्ञ का भाग नहीं 

भैरव सर्व शक्ति दिकबंधन

ॐ सहस्त्रारे महाचक्रे कर्पूरधवले गुरुः ।

पातु मां बटुको देवो भैरवः सर्वकर्मसु ॥
पूर्वस्यामसितांगो मां दिशि रक्षतु सर्वदा ।
आग्नेयां च रुरुः पातु दक्षिणे चण्ड भैरवः ॥
नैॠत्यां क्रोधनः पातु उन्मत्तः पातु पश्चिमे ।
वायव्यां मां कपाली च नित्यं पायात् सुरेश्वरः ॥
भीषणो भैरवः पातु उत्तरास्यां तु सर्वदा ।
संहार भैरवः पायादीशान्यां च महेश्वरः ॥
ऊर्ध्वं पातु विधाता च पाताले नन्दको विभुः ।
सद्योजातस्तु मां पायात् सर्वतो देवसेवितः ॥
रामदेवो वनान्ते च वने घोरस्तथावतु ।
जले तत्पुरुषः पातु स्थले ईशान एव च ॥
डाकिनी पुत्रकः पातु पुत्रान् में सर्वतः प्रभुः ।
हाकिनी पुत्रकः पातु दारास्तु लाकिनी सुतः ॥
पातु शाकिनिका पुत्रः सैन्यं वै कालभैरवः ।
मालिनी पुत्रकः पातु पशूनश्वान् गंजास्तथा ॥
महाकालोऽवतु क्षेत्रं श्रियं मे सर्वतो गिरा ।
वाद्यम् वाद्यप्रियः पातु भैरवो नित्यसम्पदा ॥

इसके बाद हवन आरंभ करें 

पहले घी की निम्न आहुतियाँ डालें 
1. ॐ भूः स्वाहा, इदमगन्ये इदं न मम।।
2. ॐ भुवः स्वाहा, इदं वायवे इदं न मम।।
3. ॐ  स्वः स्वाहा, इदं सूर्याय इदं न मम।।
4. ॐ  अगन्ये स्वाहा, इदमगन्ये इदं न मम।।
5. ॐ  घन्वन्तरये स्वाहा, इदं धन्वन्तरये इदं न मम।।
6. ॐ  विश्वेभ्योदेवभ्योः स्वाहा, इदं विश्वेभ्योदेवेभ्योइदं न मम।।
7. ॐ  प्रजापतये स्वाहा, इदं प्रजापतये इदं न मम।।
8. ॐ  अग्नये स्विष्टकृते स्वाहा, इदमग्नये स्विष्टकृते इदं न मम।।

After Yagya is finished, then offer Nariyala Bali and Kheer Bali with below mantra

ऊँ पूर्णमद: पूर्णम् इदम् पूर्णात पूर्णादिमं उच्यते, पुणस्य पूर्णम् उदच्यते।।
पूर्णस्य पूर्णभादाय पूर्णमेवावाशिष्यते।।

After the initial procedure form the Yagya samgri as follows 

  1. Get the Hawan samagri available in market. You should have approx 1kg samagri per 700 ahuti.
  2. Mix black/white til (depending on Ishta) in it
  3. Mix Guda in it (random)
  4. Put some ghee in this (with any paatra, 3 times)
  5. Mix some Lavang in the samgri (11-51) 

Along with above yagya samagri, you should also ensure that you have 

  1. 1 Jata dhari Nariyal
  2. 2 – 5 dhanya roti cooked by you (not by any female)
  3. Rice kheer (cooked by sadhaka) 
  4. Bali 

Nariyal Bali and Kheer bali have immense benefits, but if your Ishta takes Pashu Bali, do not hesitate to offer it to your Ishta. 

As a sadhaka, you cannot get any anubhav from your Ishta till you are bound by rules of Maya, therefore overcoming cultural impulses, and everything you have learnt since your birth, or have obtained in your pravritti because of your Kula, you have to shed all of it, before you can start perceiving the blessings of your Ishta. 

Similar yagya method is for all Hindu Gods. 

But in some prayoga and for few Gods, Havi (samagri) can differ a little. But even if any God is offer hawan with these samagri, they become duty bound to count that in a sadhaka’s positive karma, even if he is in his beginning stages of his spiritual journey. 

Ahutis for Ang Devtas : 

1 Mala of each

  1. Om Namah Shivay mantra 
  2. Guru Mantra
  3. Om Namo Narayanaya Mantra 
  4. Gam Mantra 
  5. Bhairava Mantra 
  6. Mantra of all Devtas whose pratyaksha siddhi you already have

Ang Devtas : 11 ahuti for each 

  1. Hanuman Ji
  2. Agni Devta
  3. Kuber Ji
  4. All other mahavidyas that you have already done sadhana 
  5. Ram Ji mantra
  6. Sita Ji Mantra
  7. Guru dev ahvahan Mantra 
  8. Gayatri Mantra
  9. Any other mantra for which you have done purashcharan

As a Sadhaka, you should always know, that anything and everything written in books, or scriptures is all gibberish and waste, not at all useful for your spiritual journey. 

It is only your Guru and your Ishta, who can provide the guidance that you need, according to your spiritual status. 

Sanatan Dharma has gurus who are far more powerful than what we read about in scriptures, and our Gods are always connected with not just few but many Sadhakas across this realm, but if some sadhaka assumes he is some very big deal, and hence will take only a guru if he satisfies some idiotic notion that sadhaka has built over time, then that is not happening. This is because any point you have noted, anything you have learn is all part of Maya, and a jeeva who has been given “guruta” by the Ishta, has already risen above all such idiocy. Therefore there is no point in trying to “find” the “right” guru. Your Ishta is responsible for taking you to the right guru.