Vaishnava Dakshina Marg Sadhanas by Ek Sattva

Moksha / Salvation for non Hindus only by taking a Hindu Brahmin as Guru

Non-Hindus can enter Moksha cycle by taking a Hindu brahmin as their Guru, and changing their prayer methods to that of a Hindu. In such case, no Varna or jati needs to be assigned unless the person’s ancestors Varna jati is known. By extension, all non-Hindus i.e. Mlechchhas are Chandrawanshi Kshatriyas.

What we understand as physicality is all illusion

What we understand as physicality is all illusion. We are playing our character in a game,forced by Karma & Karmfala. Every character must do the job assigned to them based on their birth or face punishment,it’s as simple as that and something most modern humans can comprehend

What makes Mahaguru Ji qualified to conduct Metaphysical research?

According to scriptures and beliefs, to do metaphysical research or claim for things beyond what is already there in scriptures and for your words to hold any value you need two things : You must be born in a “Shrotriya” brahmin family You must already have knowledge of existing setup You must have taken established […]

Truth of life : We are in a Game, and we are THE Game

Games or a movie or a serial is the ultimate and true depiction of life. There is a person or group of persons who know it all. – God & the Gods There are characters who are paid money or tokens to do things – us souls are the characters and Karma is our cash. […]