Organize Weekly Ek Sattva Sandhya – A Cleansing Evening in your local temples

Organize Weekly Ek Sattva Sandhya – A Cleansing Evening in your local temples Talk to Pujaris of your local temples, and at least once every week, organize a “Ek Sattva Sandhya” in your locality. Form groups of males and females. And discuss religion, show them videos of Mahaguru Ji, discuss sermons given by Mahaguru […]
Form a Team & Connect your Local Politicians with Ek Sattva Mission by asking them to take help of Mahaguru Ji during elections

Form a Team & Connect your Local Politicians with Ek Sattva Mission by asking them to take help of Mahaguru Ji during elections You can ask your local politicians who believe in Gods, from prominent political parties to seek divine help from Mahaguru Ji. This will ensure that interests of Gods and politicians will be […]