Hari Kripa : Siddharaj Dham had said on Dec 30, 2021 that less testing should be done, and govts should not impose any more lockdowns. Also phasewise opening of schools etc should be done. 12 days later on 12th January 2022, ICMR issued guidelines in same order to be followed across country
Hari Kripa : Siddharaj Dham had said on Dec 30, 2021 that less testing should be done, and govts should not impose any more lockdowns. Also phasewise opening of schools etc should be done. 12 days later on 12th January 2022, ICMR issued guidelines in same order to be followed across country Omicron variant is […]
Hari Kripa : Siddharaj Dham had issued statement on December 19, 2021 that Omicron variant will not harm people as much as old ones, he had also informed about Gods creating such a variant 6 months ago. 15 days later, scientists came to same conclusion
Hari Kripa : Siddharaj Dham had issued statement on December 19, 2021 that Omicron variant will not harm people as much as old ones, he had also informed about Gods creating such a variant 6 months ago. 15 days later, scientists came to same conclusion For live tweet, search on Twitter.
Hari Kripa : Mahaguru Ji told that he is expediting Vaccination program across the world as has been ordered by Gods on December 13, 2020. Scientists estimated vaccination to take years, while after this boost by Gods, vaccination drive across the world has caught pace
Hari Kripa : Mahaguru Ji told that Gods are expediting Vaccination program across the world on December 13, 2020. Scientists estimated vaccination to take years, while after this boost by Gods, vaccination drive across the world has caught pace and now entire world is on path to be vaccinated within one and a half year […]
Hari Kripa : Mahaguru Ji told that effect of a drug called “Ramdesivir” is being withdrawn by Gods as its causing problems for poor sections of humans on May 15, 2021. On May 19, 2021, govt withdrew authorization for use of Ramdesivir for treatment of Corona
Mahaguru Ji told that effect of a drug called “Ramdesivir” is being withdrawn by Gods as its causing problems for poor sections of humans on May 15, 2021. On May 19, 2021, govt withdrew authorization for use of Ramdesivir for treatment of Corona This drug was causing widespread panic in society, and thieves were looting […]
Hari Kripa : Mahaguru Ji said poor people owing to their poverty are resorting to wrong methods to earn money after recovering from Coronavirus, hence as guided by Gods, he is withdrawing effect of Plasma in treatment of Virus, on April 15, 2021. On May 17, a month later, govt withdrew authorization for use of Plasma in treating coronavirus
Mahaguru Ji said poor people owing to their poverty are resorting to wrong methods to earn money after recovering from Coronavirus, hence as guided by Gods, he is withdrawing effect of Plasma in treatment of Virus, on April 15, 2021. On May 17, a month later, govt withdrew authorization for use of Plasma in treating […]
Hari Kripa : Mahaguru Ji told about upcoming second wave of COVID in India on multiple occasions, on March 27, 2021. Then on 4th April 2021. Second COVID Wave went on to wreck havoc in the country
Mahaguru Ji told about upcoming second wave of COVID in India on multiple occasions, on March 27, 2021. Then on 4th April 2021. Second COVID Wave went on to wreck havoc in the country On March 27, 2021, Mahaguru Ji wrote on Twitter that he had conversation with Gods, and Gods have asked to […]
Mahaguru Ji told on 29th Dec 2020, that Gods have ordered to open Malls etc. By 9th Jan most state govts had allowed opening Malls, by 31st Jan 2021, all were opened.
Mahaguru Ji told on 29th Dec 2020, that Gods have ordered to open Malls etc. By 9th Jan most state govts had allowed opening Malls, by 31st Jan 2021, all were opened. Dharmic businessmen who were suffering due to lockdown, answering their prayers, Gods ordered Mahaguru Ji to open Malls etc. Mahaguru Ji wrote same […]
Mahaguru Ji told on 29th March 2021, that Narendra Modi Ji will cry on TV. On 16th Jan 2021, while addressing nation, PM did cry.
Mahaguru Ji told on 29th March 2021, that Narendra Modi Ji will cry on TV. On 16th Jan 2021, while addressing nation, PM did cry. Mahaguru Ji runs this world using divine energies which are powers of Gods themselves. Mahaguru Ji creates and destroys things from this Universe on orders of Gods. Read news here […]
Mahaguru Ji told that scientists will be able to create Coronavirus Vaccines between July to November 2020, on May 3, 2020. Same happened and most vaccines which were used for vaccination program came during this time
Mahaguru Ji told that scientists will be able to create Coronavirus Vaccines between July to November 2020, on May 3, 2020. Same happened and most vaccines which were used for vaccination program came during this time Search on twitter profile for live tweet.
Gods had created events that lead to Russia sending aid to India
Mahaguru Ji always tells about orders from Gods, that he implements using divine energies, to govern this Universe, for safety of all of its inhabitants. Mahaguru Ji had informed on his Twitter social media profile on 12th April that soon Russia is going to send aid to India, as same has been created on […]