Ek Sattva Ashram | Shri Siddharaj Sarkar Dham | Nagpur


If you follow Mahaguru Ji, you must already be knowing that all natural calamities around the world are controlled by Mahaguru Ji, on orders of Gods through use of Divine Energies.

Do you follow Mahaguru Ji on Twitter? If not, this is the right time to do it. Go to https://twitter.com/Kritakritachary and follow the account.

Except some minor earthquakes which occur to diffuse energies of the Universe, which occur naturally, all other Earthquakes, and major earthquakes are created, held and stopped by Mahaguru Ji, on guidance from Gods themselves.

We have presented multiple examples for the same in past year, you can read either on Mahaguru Ji’s twitter handle or on our Miracles section.


Regarding many Earthquakes occurring around the world, since last few months, Mahaguru Ji had already informed on his twitter profile that on orders of Gods, he is created “Series of Earthquakes” that will rattle planet for next 6 months, to stabilize divine energies, in order to protect ourselves. Some small, some big earthquakes will be created, but they should not cause much harm to human lives. This is not being done to punish humans by Gods, but just to keep some energies in bank, to be used in future, to help humans.


Mahaguru Ji wrote on Twitter on April 4:



S of Es #future

— Mahaguru Kritakritacharya (@Kritakritachary) April 4, 2020

“Series of Earthquakes #Future”


Series of Earthquakes. Just releasing energies to balance a few acts on orders of Gods. https://t.co/XGq2npvhcJ

— Mahaguru Kritakritacharya (@Kritakritachary) April 12, 2020


These energies will create many small and large earthquakes around the world, including India, but damage will be minimum, mostly to property.

Mahaguru Ji protects all dharmics through divine energies as much as possible from any natural calamity as has been ordered by Gods.