Ek Sattva Kram Diksha Membership Monthly
INR3100 for kit + INR2100 monthly donation
Membership benefits :

Get “Kram Diksha Kit” via courier at your home

Ask one question per month directly to Mahaguru Ji via our ticket & token system, and access our knowledgebase having answers to varied topics of hyper-spiritual, pratyaksha upasana of Shaktis

Made for educated people, to slowly elevate their consciousness to feel the powers beyond our realms

Exclusive access to social media contents not visible otherwise to general public for hyper-spiritual growths and experiences.

Get connected to membership forums after 18 months of membership, to display your skills, your products, your services etc to like minded, funded consumers and make new connections

Get opportunity to join 11 day Upasana Session hosted at Ashram and do Upasana with Mahaguru Ji minimum once every year

What can members do in Ek Sattva Membership forums – not for frauds, poor quality products or any kind of HYIP schemes which can harm our members

New Jobs – have a hireable skill, use various connection channels and Ashram upasana gatherings to showcase your skills to potential recruiters

New sales – got a good product? share its benefits with the community and attract new sales

Relationships & New Beginnings : start new journey of friendship with people who are more evolved than the rest, at similar spiritual level as you

Marriages – find the right guy in our gatherings and take it to next level with like minded people

What are benefits of Upasana for the regular person?

Upasana is Yoga + high energy mantra chanting following specific methods and rituals of the Guru Parampara, to elevate our being, our existence

Every devotee has their own comfort level decided, no competition, no pressure

First 18 months every devotee is free to program his own Upasana and slowly understand, experience how Upasana is done

Do at home Upasana, kit with all information is sent directly via courier

Boost your confidence through energy of Mantra

Apsara Upasana gives immense benefits as mentioned in Agama Shastras like making person attractive, becoming better in social dealings, attracting wealth etc.

Mahashakti Upasana ensures that we also give time to our spiritual journey, the main reason for us coming here in this Loka

Ishta upasana helps us in all round development of personality, and people around us, making our stay here as comfortable as it can be

Upasana is a Yogic procedure as well, so it helps with good health

Serving the deity – immense benefits of serving a higher power, in both this world and all others
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