Hari Kripa : All Candidates who sought divine help of Dham in recently concluded Zilla Parishad bye-Elections in Maharashtra won their seats
Individual candidates of political parties who have their standing on first 3 positions in their constituency can seek help of Dham and Gods to ensure their win, in exchange of a promise to work for people, work for Gods.
All candidates in recently concluded Zilla Parishad bye Elections in Maharashtra, who sought help of Dham have won their seats.
Candidates saw fluctuations of 1-3000 votes than their internal surveys and hence could witness divine energies in action.
Mahaguru Ji congratulates all the candidates, and wishes them good luck for the future.
Dham helps devotees of Gods who submit themselves to the service of Dharma, irrespective of political parties using Vedic Yajnya, and his Siddha power of Divine Energies. All those who come with submission “bhav” get their wishes granted by Gods.