Vaishnava Dakshina Marg Sadhanas by Ek Sattva

Sadhana vs Upasana – Must read

Sadhana – This is a procedure where in Sadhana should be done only and ONLY by a Male jeeva who is Brahmin born i.e. born from a brahmin father. Jeeva who are not brahmin born, if they do sadhana, they will, in 100% cases, enter Pishacha loka. All jeevas since the beginning of time, who […]

Taking Anonymous Guru Diksha

It is possible to take guru diksha from your guru, without guru knowing you at all, while it is not desirable, but can certainly be done. You can connect yourself with the energy of any brahmin guru, simply by surrendering to him, that is how cosmos is designed. It is not just possible, but almost […]

Why Guru is Important for your Sadhana?

Whether you are doing a basic sadhana, or doing a mere upasana, guru is very important to witness any success in your sadhana. While it is true, that any mantra jaap done is never going to go waste, but if you want to get any physical experience, which is very important simply to continue the […]