Vaishnava Dakshina Marg Sadhanas by Ek Sattva

Sadhana and upasana is different from usual concept of Pooja, as is practiced by an uninitiated household.

First step of any sadhana or upasana, is getting a guru diksha.

Every Hindu dwija, must always get a guru diksha. A Hindu dwija, without guru diksha is a pashu, nothing more, irrespective of what he thinks of himself to be, or irrespective of what knowledge he has gained through books and all the materials available online.

There are various steps of a Sadhana .

  1. Collect samagri – Always make a list of items required for the sadhana and upasana, and collect them beforehand.
  2. Decide a date – You should consult your guru to decide a date for sadhana. Usually we will provide the auspicious dates to start sadhana on each sadhana’s procedure page.
  3. Take anumati of your guru – do a guru poojan, send alms/daan to your guru to take anumati before starting any sadhana or upasana
  4. Decide duration and number of japa – you should decide the duration of sadhana, upasana, along with number of japa, to be done daily, as well as during entire period. Do not decrease the number of japa under any circumstances.
  5. Get Japa Mala – Every mantra requires specific type of japa mala, or one can use Rudraksha and Sphatik Mala for all kinds of japa. Mala given by guru is considered better, but if you are a jeeva who has not elevated himself to a spiritual status, that you hesitate before spending money for your spiritual journey, then we have provided japa mala sanskar paddhati on this site, follow it to get blessings of prakritik shaktis, to ensure your japa reaches your ishta.
  6. Get Yantra – No sadhana or upasana can be done without yantra of your Ishta. You need to get a Gold, Silver, or tamba yantra, and complete sanskar on yantra before using it for your upasana.
  7. Get Rosary counter – counter machines are available in market now, which make it very easy to count rosaries.
  8. Proper procedure – You should keep the link of the procedure in your whatsapp or some place safe, so its easily accessible.


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